Hub Spot discovers how third party tools are hurting your engagement.
How will this effect you and your posting plans. Can you effectively use socially media for your business without tools such as hootsuite?
How to Grow your Facebook Page
I get this question all the time,, “How do I grow the fans on my Facebook Page?” Â Especially when you’re a business which does not have really interesting products. Well I answer that question in this video.
Facebook Timeline for Realtors, Everything you wanted to know
On March 30th Facebook will be making changes to your Facebook Page. Â Facebook Timeline for Realtors is a bit of challenge because the Cover Photo can not have logos, arrows, etc. Â You’ll need to work hard to find images which represesent both you and your business. We’ve focused on local area photos and events…
Essential SEO Strategies You SHOULDN’T Miss
1. It’s a Plus to Have Google+ You know that you can’t have search without social, and Search+ reinforces it. Since Facebook and Twitter results aren’t aggregated into public search, it’s put an even bigger emphasis on not only creating a brand page on Google+, but being an active member. Sounds like Google’s plan all… – Free Alternative to Photoshop
We had a member question today about what tools are available as a free alternative to Photoshop. Â The answer is short is, or even better, Aviary provides a suite of tools ranging from photo editing to sound editing. Â All free and available for use as a web tool. Â What that means for you…
Pinterest gets more time than Linked In and Twitter combined!
You can see by the infographic below, supplied by the Wall Street Journal and Comscore, that Pinterest in it’s short life span has already captured more monthly attention than most social networks.  Of course, Facebook is the 500 pound gorilla but Pinterest has more monthly minutes than Linked-In and Twitter combined.  Simple put Pinterest gets more time and attention of users.  Right now that audience is…
How to back up Google Contacts
How to back up Google Contacts In this episode we look at how to back up Google Contacts to ensure we don’t lose them in the future. Step by Step: How to back up Google Contacts 1. Log in to your Google Contacts. Â 2. Choose “More” and Select “Export” 3. Save as Google CSV…
What Makes Pinterest Pinteresting for Business?
What is Pinterest? Pinterest is a pinboard-styled social networking site which primarily allows users to create, manage & organize themed-based image collections. Pinterest is a with a visually-pleasing interface. Users collect photos and link to products they love, creating their own pinboards and following the pinboards of other people whom they find interesting. I would…
Blog Post Timing is Everything
It’s all about Blog Post Timing. One of the best webinars I’ve seen is The Science of Timing by Dan Zarella and  If you haven’t seen it, go check out the recording. In it, Dan presents data collected over three years about the effect timing has on a variety of online marketing activities, including blogging. Below is…
Local SEO the Easy Way
We put together this straight forward info graphic to help you plan out the Search engine strategy. Let us know if you have any questions we’re always happy to help.