My Favourite People (Peeps) to Follow on Twitter
I know a lot of people out there don’t get twitter yet. They thinks it’s all about people telling other people they went o walk their dog. But we know better, in fact twitter passes us information, news and friendship from across the world keeping people in touch at all times. I’ll admit I was…
Build you twitter network and get a free gift!
I figured a good bribe was in order so here it is. I’m giving away a brand new copy of “The Emyth Revisited” by Michael E. Gerber. Anyone one who wants to grow their business yet free up your own time to enjoy your life needs this book. That leaves only one question, how do…
Why the Yellow Pages are still in business
We’ve all seen the IPhone ads. You know the one, it plays cool music in the background while Apple tells us that it will change everything. Well they’re right. The IPhone, Blackberry, Google G1, and every other smart phone is changing everything. Because if you’re under 40 you’ve probably used your phone to find a…
Interesting thing happen today, Social Media brain fart.
I had an interesting experience today. My goal is to help others, specifically help Realtors get more from their web presence. That’s where my sweet spot is, it’s where I feel I can help the most. I answer a lot of questions, give a lot of free advice, and in the process build relationships and…