Maximize Twitter Marketing with Tweet Adder

Update: TweetAdder has been disabled by twitter, though we may never get the actual reason for this shutdown, there are always alternatives.

AllMedia Software  has a Twitter Marketing Software called TweetBoss, which is in essence identical to TweetAdder.


Twitter is without a doubt an integral part of online marketing. It’s a great way to drive traffic to your website. I have tried different Twitter management tool just as Hootsuite and MarketMeTweet, but Tweet Adder has got to be the best that I have used. Tweet Adder is a software that automatically builds up your Twitter Follower Network with like minded individuals for huge increase in your twitter marketing strategies.

Tweet Adder gives you the functionality to narrow your searches and create customized lists for the best, and largest, possible network. Once you have set everything up, you can basically leave the program to run on its own. TweetAdder simply puts your Twitter marketing campaign on auto pilot, so you can work on other tasks.

Getting Started

Here are some of the features:

Tweet Adder Account Overview
This opening screen easily shows you all the details you need for your Twitter marketing campaign which would take a significant time should you find all of these information manually.

Tweet Search
This is a great feature to find more targeted followers. You can enter a keyword and a location and Tweet Adder will search all tweets with the ability to set the recency and language.

You can add as much keywords to the “To Follow List” and Tweet Adder will automatically follow them at a later date. You also have the option to turn on the “Automation” which lets Tweet Adder search your entered keyword & location regularly to find more matches.

“To Follow List”
The “Twitter Search” feature will give you a good list of people to follow in your “To Follow List”. Turn on the automation function and Tweet Adder will automatically start following those people on the list for you.

Another amazing feature of Tweet Adder is that you can write out tweets to be automatically sent out during the day/week/month you desire. This is great if you have event promotions or product links. You can configure the settings and the order of the tweets that you want to be sent out regularly, there’s an option for you to send it out ever 4-5 hours or every 5-10 minutes, it’s up to you. I think this is good but I personally think that you still have to check on Twitter to respond to your followers questions personally.

Manage Multiple Twitter accounts – You can manage multiple twitter accounts within one interface.If you are targeting specific niches, you can create multiple twitter accounts and grow each account simultaneously.

Automatic Thank You Messages
This feature checks for new followers (at intervals that you set) and sends a direct message to each of them. You can set up a message thanking people for following you, maybe even including a link to your website or upcoming events.

Full Tweet Adder Features & Functions

The talks about TweetAdder is very good as users have found that they can easily generate targeted traffic from Twitter. It’s all a numbers game though as you’ll need to grow your accounts to become  large for you to generate a great traffic to your website, but with Tweet Adder this can be easily managed at a reasonable price:  1 Profile  – $55, 5 Profiles – $74, 10 Profiles – $110, Unlimited Profiles – $188. You can also go to the website and get the free demo.


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