I’ve always had a passion for things that make life easier. As we all know nowadays it’s normal to always see an influx of new gadgets hitting the technology marketplace. So in a market like gadgets that is always evolving, improving and upgrading, I’ve always been on the lookout for useful gadgets & accessories that doesn’t lost its value by the time I unbox it. By that, what I mean is I am more concerned about its purpose & functionality rather than getting it just for the sake of having it because it’s the latest fad.
I have tried out this new OWLE Bubo which is an iPhone accessory that converts your iPhone into a better camera with a micro 37mm lens. It also comes with a frame which holds your iPhone to give you a stable grip in shooting pictures and videos. It enables your iPhone camera to shoot pictures at a much closer range, shoots wide angle, gives you a stable grip and you can attach to a tripod for better stability. The equipment feels good in hands, it comes with a “rubbery” protector to put your iPhone in to prevent it from getting scratches from the Bubo. I notice considerable difference in the quality of the images and the stability of the videos that I took with the OWLE Bubo. If you ask me, I don’t mind owning a camera and an OWLE Bubo. For someone who uses photos and videos as part of their business, it’s really nice to have around!
I haven’t had the chance to take sample pictures or videos to compare the shots from iPhone with and without the OWLE Bubo but I have this great video below to show you the things you can do with OWLE Bubo. Check their website for the tech specs and prices.
[embedplusvideo height=”300″ width=”430″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/Qdi2UkvWyOs?fs=1&start=11″ vars=”ytid=Qdi2UkvWyOs&width=430&height=300&start=11&stop=495&hd=0&react=0&chapters=¬es=” /]