Making the 10% of Linked In Profiles

So I woke up the other day and checked my email and I read this message from LinkedIn.

Top 10% of Linked InWhen you work at home, and spend most of your day helping others reach their goals, it’s nice to get a little kudos for you own hard work as well.

Top 10% of Linked In Profiles by views… NICE!

Here’s my top 10% profile. 🙂

What’s interesting is I could make more improvements on the profile, but the quote by George S Patton applies here, “A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.”

Just set your goal to always improve on your social media presence and I promise you’ll make progress.

So I’m posting for a few reason:

1. As a little pat on my own back for my hard work.

2. To point out that Linked In has grown to a huge 200 million users.  Don’t ignore it, but have a plan.

3. To ask if Linked In is something your would like to see me write about a little more often.

We focus on Facebook so often here that maybe you’d like to some Linked In, pop up every so often.

Thank you to everyone who viewed my profile, and help me achieve the top 10% of Linked In.  I look forward to meeting all my new contacts from this past year and the coming year.


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