Category Archives: Wordpress

6 Tips to Help You Secure Your WordPress Website
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month and I thought it was appropriate to write up a few tips help you keep your site safe and snuggly for another year. Follow the tips below and help make things harder for the hackers hiding in the dark. 1. Change the “admin” Username. The “admin” username is the default…
I’ve been Hacked! Using Better WP Security and BackWPup.
When you run a lot of blogs sooner or later you’re going to be hacked. It happens to the White House, the FBI and yes it can even happen to you. In fact, it’s not really a matter of can, it’s more like WILL happen to you. So given that it has happened to me…
I’ve been Hacked! Using Better WP Security and BackWPup.
When you run a lot of blogs sooner or later you’re going to be hacked. It happens to the White House, the FBI and yes it can even happen to you. In fact, it’s not really a matter of can, it’s more like WILL happen to you. So given that it has happened to me…

Get Your Listings On Facebook! With your Own Facebook App.
Today we do something pretty exciting! Many of you have asked how do I promote on facebook without being annoying. How do I build community but still market my listings. I’m goign to show you a little trick which should help with that. Word of caution, we’re doing a few techincal things here, so bring…

Use EmbedPlus to Enhance & Upgrade Your Visitor’s Viewing Experience For Free
In a real estate business, you can’t overlook video as a part of your internet marketing plans. Almost all offices and households now have high speed internet access. The visitors of your real estate website may come from all around the country and some may come from other countries, probably looking around with plans of…

27 Part Intro Course to WordPress – WordPress 101
Time to get started with your new blog! This course is going to take you step by through setting up your WordPress blog. You’ll learn how to install wordpress, how to setup your first theme and make new post! You’ll also learn some important skills like adding images, and some really neat tips, which will…