Category Archives: Video Tutorials

Calculating Your Leads Costs
Ever wonder where you should be spending your marketing budget every year. The key is understanding what is working and what is not. In today’s video we cover how to figure that out. Here’s the download link to the spreadsheet in the video. Lead Cost Comparison
Curating Local Content for Local Facebook Pages
How do you find good local content for your Facebook or Blog without wasting a ton of time? That’s what we cover in today’s video post. Hey do me a favour, if you find this video helpful, make sure you share. If you have friend you know is struggling to make the most of social…
WTF, and The Time Traveler Technique
The main goal of the Time Traveler Technique is to save you time. Get something done now, that pays off in the future. With that in mind, today’s video will blow you away. I’m going to show how to use a free service called It stands for “If This Then That” and it will…
Video, Your Website and Facebook, Can’t they all just get along?
I made a Facebook post a couple of days(February 13th) ago showing a video tutorial from James Wedmore, he demonstrated how to add external link annotations to your Youtube video. I’ve put that video at the bottom of this post. Take a look at it once you watch how to implement this technique to generate…

How to Grow your Facebook Page
I get this question all the time,, “How do I grow the fans on my Facebook Page?” Especially when you’re a business which does not have really interesting products. Well I answer that question in this video. – Free Alternative to Photoshop
We had a member question today about what tools are available as a free alternative to Photoshop. The answer is short is, or even better, Aviary provides a suite of tools ranging from photo editing to sound editing. All free and available for use as a web tool. What that means for you…

How to back up Google Contacts
How to back up Google Contacts In this episode we look at how to back up Google Contacts to ensure we don’t lose them in the future. Step by Step: How to back up Google Contacts 1. Log in to your Google Contacts. 2. Choose “More” and Select “Export” 3. Save as Google CSV…

Facebook Weekly Summary – Why to promote your Page.
Facebook Weekly Summary In this video we’ll talk about the facebook weekly summary, and why it’s important to promote your page, maintain it with a content plan and invite your fans to share your page and content. The facebook weekly summary is emailed to you each week, highlighting how your page performed compared to previous…
360 Degree Video for under $100?
I just received my new GoPano Micro, a device that started as project on the Crowdfunding site The device is pretty cool even if it is a little blurry. It takes 360 degree video from your iphone 4 or 4s, which means you can pan in any direction while watching the action. You can watch…