Category Archives: Twitter

Having trouble getting traction with your twitter account?

One of the biggest struggles my clients often have is starting a twitter account and gaining followers. It’s the ole chicken before the egg problem. No followers, no reach and as a result no new followers. So how do you break this vicious cycle of pain and misery. Start a twitter group. Find 5 or…

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Curating Local Content for Local Facebook Pages

How do you find good local content for your Facebook or Blog without wasting a ton of time? That’s what we cover in today’s video post. Hey do me a favour, if you find this video helpful, make sure you share.  If you have friend you know is struggling to make the most of social…

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Essential SEO Strategies You SHOULDN’T Miss

1. It’s a Plus to Have  Google+ You know that you can’t have search without social, and Search+ reinforces it. Since Facebook and Twitter results aren’t aggregated into public search, it’s put an even bigger emphasis on not only creating a brand page on Google+, but being an active member. Sounds like Google’s plan all…

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Maximize Twitter Marketing with Tweet Adder

Update: TweetAdder has been disabled by twitter, though we may never get the actual reason for this shutdown, there are always alternatives. AllMedia Software  has a Twitter Marketing Software called TweetBoss, which is in essence identical to TweetAdder. —————- Twitter is without a doubt an integral part of online marketing. It’s a great way to…

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Why You Shouldn’t Limit Your Brand to Just One Social Networking Platform

  Social media is a valuable tool for businesses and organizations. While game-changing in many ways, they are simply the latest in the evolution of tools that allow people to easily connect with one another. Ultimately, it’s important to keep in mind that the purpose of social media is to generate interest in your product.…

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Facebook and Google still tops for web hits

The latest web statistics from Hitwise ( are out. Here are the highlights of the most popular websites in Canada for the week ending Aug. 6. A few things are obvious from the latest results. Facebook, YouTube and Google dominate in their categories. Canadians love our banks’ online banking websites, too! Meanwhile, MLS continues to dominate activity…

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Grow Your Twitter Network w/ Monitter

Monitoring keywords on Twitter can give you really good results. With real-time search becoming an important aspect of many popular social networks, sharing sites, etc., consumers expect a quick, honest & helpful response, which is where you’ll come in. There are a lot of great tracking tools available but one that I’ve been checking out…

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Track Valuable Statistics w/ Twitter Counter

Twitter is one of the best ways to get more clients and promote your business online. It’s a great and effective way to keep your prospects connected to you and up to date on what’s going on in the business (specifically your business). It’s an additional tool you need to learn how to use because…

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5 Days to Twitter Mastery Day Five

You made it!!!  I’m so proud you. <3  (That’s a little heart for you) We’re on the last day so we’re going to show real ninja moves today.  So buckle your seat blast and let’s get this show on the road!! Day 5 – Advanced This lesson will cover a number of advanced tools you…

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5 Days to Twitter Mastery Day Four

Welcome to Day Four!! You’re almost done!  I hope you’re practising what you’ve learned.  Today’s a big day, we’ll be covering Twitter search, understanding search and feeds can be they heart of lead generation so take good notes and use your imagination for each technique. Day 4 – Searching This lesson will cover both basic and advanced…

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