Category Archives: Social Networks

Hub Spot discovers how third party tools are hurting your engagement.
How will this effect you and your posting plans. Can you effectively use socially media for your business without tools such as hootsuite?

Facebook Timeline for Realtors, Everything you wanted to know
On March 30th Facebook will be making changes to your Facebook Page. Facebook Timeline for Realtors is a bit of challenge because the Cover Photo can not have logos, arrows, etc. You’ll need to work hard to find images which represesent both you and your business. We’ve focused on local area photos and events…
Essential SEO Strategies You SHOULDN’T Miss
1. It’s a Plus to Have Google+ You know that you can’t have search without social, and Search+ reinforces it. Since Facebook and Twitter results aren’t aggregated into public search, it’s put an even bigger emphasis on not only creating a brand page on Google+, but being an active member. Sounds like Google’s plan all…

What Makes Pinterest Pinteresting for Business?
What is Pinterest? Pinterest is a pinboard-styled social networking site which primarily allows users to create, manage & organize themed-based image collections. Pinterest is a with a visually-pleasing interface. Users collect photos and link to products they love, creating their own pinboards and following the pinboards of other people whom they find interesting. I would…

SocialRent: Renting Just Got Social
Looking for the exact home that you want online is tough. Going over what seem to be an endless list of homes that don’t really show you what you want is another thing. Finding the words to describe what you want in a home is a little hard that you just want to grab a…

Broaden Your Social Marketing Using Google+ Pages & Direct Connect
Eversince Google+ started, businesses have always wanted to be part of it. In July, Google closed any account that has been verified as a business. Fortunately, earlier this month Google+ Pages welcomed in businesses & brands to use the Google+ social network. An amazing addition is that Google+ branded pages are appearing in search results. People…

What Type of Businesses Have the Most Facebook Reach?
Facebook remains the most popular form of social media to promote brand awareness which I have discussed here. Recently, Roost, a social marketing platform for individual professionals, businesses, consultants and agencies, determine what type of businesses have topped the rank in terms of increasing the impact of social campaigns, engagement & remaining active in marketing.…

Get People to Keep Visiting & Talk About Your Site with Rumble Talk
If you have a website, be it a blog, a portfolio website, a real estate website, etc. there’s always this need to keep on coming up with new & interesting stuff to put up to attract & give visitors a reason to keep on coming back & would make them want to stay longer…
Facebook Remains the Most Popular form of Social Media
Online communities were created and maintained to reflect offline relationships. Commonly referred to as social media, this genre of Internet-based services which includes blogs, social interaction & communication, wikis, content-sharing sites, collaborative productions, etc., created a big change in the world. According to the latest annual survey of the blogosphere conducted by Technorati, Facebook remains…
The 15 Best Facebook Pages You’ve Ever Seen
Nowadays, establishing an online presence requires more than just having a website. Almost all companies & businesses are using Facebook to promote their brand.For businesses, you need to set up a Facebook Page or a Group or both. Setting up your Facebook account is so easy to do & it can significantly help you…