Category Archives: Facebook
Why “Don’t post real estate listings on Facebook” is completely DEBUNKED!
Anyone ever told you that putting your listings on Facebook will cause you to lose fans? Today we’re going to completely debunk that myth!
Curating Local Content for Local Facebook Pages
How do you find good local content for your Facebook or Blog without wasting a ton of time? That’s what we cover in today’s video post. Hey do me a favour, if you find this video helpful, make sure you share. If you have friend you know is struggling to make the most of social…
Video, Your Website and Facebook, Can’t they all just get along?
I made a Facebook post a couple of days(February 13th) ago showing a video tutorial from James Wedmore, he demonstrated how to add external link annotations to your Youtube video. I’ve put that video at the bottom of this post. Take a look at it once you watch how to implement this technique to generate…
Here’s How “The Time Traveller Technique” Saved Me Hours and Rebooted My Facebook Page.
The first thing you’re asking is what the heck is The Time Traveler Technique. Simple put, anytime you use a skill, tip, trick, process or tool to block time now so that it auto-magically gets done later, you’re using “The Time Traveler Technique” I call it Time Travelling because what you do now actual happens in the future. Here’s…
Hub Spot discovers how third party tools are hurting your engagement.
How will this effect you and your posting plans. Can you effectively use socially media for your business without tools such as hootsuite?
How to Grow your Facebook Page
I get this question all the time,, “How do I grow the fans on my Facebook Page?” Especially when you’re a business which does not have really interesting products. Well I answer that question in this video.
Facebook Timeline for Realtors, Everything you wanted to know
On March 30th Facebook will be making changes to your Facebook Page. Facebook Timeline for Realtors is a bit of challenge because the Cover Photo can not have logos, arrows, etc. You’ll need to work hard to find images which represesent both you and your business. We’ve focused on local area photos and events…
Essential SEO Strategies You SHOULDN’T Miss
1. It’s a Plus to Have Google+ You know that you can’t have search without social, and Search+ reinforces it. Since Facebook and Twitter results aren’t aggregated into public search, it’s put an even bigger emphasis on not only creating a brand page on Google+, but being an active member. Sounds like Google’s plan all…
Facebook Weekly Summary – Why to promote your Page.
Facebook Weekly Summary In this video we’ll talk about the facebook weekly summary, and why it’s important to promote your page, maintain it with a content plan and invite your fans to share your page and content. The facebook weekly summary is emailed to you each week, highlighting how your page performed compared to previous…
What Type of Businesses Have the Most Facebook Reach?
Facebook remains the most popular form of social media to promote brand awareness which I have discussed here. Recently, Roost, a social marketing platform for individual professionals, businesses, consultants and agencies, determine what type of businesses have topped the rank in terms of increasing the impact of social campaigns, engagement & remaining active in marketing.…