Author Archives: Tom Lyons

Today! Mobile Searches, Great Content and Videos that Rock your Visitors World

Google and the National Association of Realtors just released a combined study showing the influence that Mobile, Video and Search are having on the buyer/seller process. I’ve included the entire presentation below my summary. There were 6 key take aways that I grasped while reviewing the presentation, I’ll out line them for you in the…

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Why SEO Sucks and why Adwords can save your business? | Adwords For Realtors

I’m often asked whether Google Adwords is worth the cost for a small local business or Realtor.  Should you spend time and money on organic results or pay for Adwords? It’s a great question and almost always the answer is yes, but “Adwords needs to be done right”. Google Adwords can suck a lot of…

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Here’s How “The Time Traveller Technique” Saved Me Hours and Rebooted My Facebook Page. | The Time Traveler Technique

The first thing you’re asking is what the heck is The Time Traveler Technique. Simple put, anytime you use a skill, tip, trick, process or tool to block time now so that it auto-magically gets done later, you’re using “The Time Traveler Technique” I call it Time Travelling because what you do now actual happens in the future. Here’s…

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Making the 10% of Linked In Profiles | Top 10% of Linked In

So I woke up the other day and checked my email and I read this message from LinkedIn. When you work at home, and spend most of your day helping others reach their goals, it’s nice to get a little kudos for you own hard work as well. Top 10% of Linked In Profiles by…

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Small Business SEO

So you hired an Small Business SEO expert and things seemed to be going great. Then one day you lost all your rankings. What happened?? Well a few things could happen. 1. Maybe you over optimized and Google listed you as spam. 2. Maybe you have bad links purchased or created by your Small Business…

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I’ve been Hacked! Using Better WP Security and BackWPup.

When you run a lot of blogs sooner or later you’re going to be hacked. It happens to the White House, the FBI and yes it can even happen to you. In fact, it’s not really a matter of can, it’s more like WILL happen to you. So given that it has happened to me…

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I’ve been Hacked! Using Better WP Security and BackWPup.

When you run a lot of blogs sooner or later you’re going to be hacked. It happens to the White House, the FBI and yes it can even happen to you. In fact, it’s not really a matter of can, it’s more like WILL happen to you. So given that it has happened to me…

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How Google+ and Social Media Change SEO

We hear a lot about Panda and Penguin and algorithm changes in Google all the time.  But how does Google+ effect how your page appears in the results.  In this video we talk a little about that, also I provide a link from Econsultancy which shows how Google+ annotations are reducing Click Through Rates and…

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5 Essential Things You Can Do with the New Google Drive

Search giant Google, has entered the online storage service in addition to its ever growing list of products, calling it Google Drive.   Free Storage Google Drive starts you off with 5GB for free. Paid Storage Google Drive gives you more flexibility at a cheaper rate: Storage     Monthly Rate 25 GB     $2.49 100…

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Google Places for Real Estate Agents

Google Places for Real Estate Agents

Time to learn about Google Places for Real Estate Agents I get a lot of questions about Google Places. So here’s a quick start guide to getting started. Enjoy the video and we’ll see you soon. Here’s some of the links you’ll need. Google Place: Geo Site and KML Generators: or I’ll…

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