4 Things to Improve on Your Real Estate Web Site!

4tipsHere’s 4 things that you must constantly work on improving.

I promise your that if you can work towards these four goals you’ll be doing more deals, building a better community and creating a bigger and better name for yourself.

1. Always Pay Attention to your Headlines. Because if you don’t neither will your users. A poor post headline will results in less people reading it your blog. Keep it short and simple, but full of benefits to your users.

2. Put your best stuff at the top and make it visual. Your users want what they want and the want it fast. They don’t want to scroll, they don’t want to hunt or click or submit. So put what they want up front and in their face. Then make it visual use faces, pictures, video and images. Words are boring! As you read this post. ๐Ÿ™‚

3. Ask yourself, if this for me or my users? Because if you have a form you hope people will fill out and submit, but it offer no value to your users, well, goodluck. It’s about providing value, no value, no loyalty.

4. Rinse and Repeat. That’s right make your improvement, then start over and start fixing again. Your competition is getting better right now. So you better be getting better too. It’s not about where you start, it’s where you’re going and where you end up. Start small, make small changes and keep improving.

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