3 Things Realtors can do Today to Help Search Engine Rankings

1.  Change your Title Tags.

Not sure what a title tag is?  You’re not the only one.  Title tags is a small HTML Tag and it looks like this.  <title>This is my title tag</title>.  It is perhaps the most imprtant part of your site when it comes to telling Google what you want to rank for.

If yor Title Tag says <title>Tom Lyons Realtor</title> what do you think Google will think my site is about?  Yep, that’s right, Tom Lyons Realtor.

So if I want to rank “Belleville Homes for Sale” what do you think my title tag should be?  Right again, <title>Belleville Homes for Sale</title>.  See how easy this is!

So how do you change your title tag?  Well that really depends on what you have for a website.  But I would talk to your web person and have them change it to what you really want it to say.

2.  Create Squidoo Page

Squidoo.com is the brainchild of marketer/writer/blogger/bald guy Seth Godin.  Anyway the point of Squidoo is to allow people to build niche specfic expert pages.   The upside is Squidoo holds petty good authority with the Search Engines and can often get a good placement for the keywords you target, plus create traffic and visitors to your site.

The key is to write a really good squidoo page and then link it to your site with a strong call to action.

3. Submit your site to directories.

Dmoz.org and Yahoo.com or two of the biggest directories out there and worth doing a submission to but there are also 1000’s of smaller lesser known directories that you can submit to.  Having your site added to those directories will create targeted inbound links.  Although most of these links only provide a small amount of link juice to your site they can add up.  In many real estate markets these action alone can be enough to push your site to first page rankings and they will always give you a base line amount of links to your site.

Jump in and do the above items.  You’ll be on your way to higher rankings and more traffic.  By all means this is not a complete guide, but everyone needs to start somewhere.  The important thing is to start.

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